
Welcome to the Waratah Campus

An imaginary land where children have fun and adventure.

Here at Narnia we believe in partnering with each family to provide their child with the best start in Early Education and Care. We place Christ as the core of everything we do and experience great joy as we journey together with each child. Our experienced and dedicated team are all active Christians in their local church community.

We follow the Early Years Learning Framework and we strive to provide environments both indoors and out that allow children to be individual learners; to experience joy, wonder and fun in all they do; to be immersed with new ideas and discovery; to follow their interests; to be the very best they can be; and to learn more about who they are as created by a loving God.

At Narnia Waratah we are passionate about getting to know each child enrolled and we value building positive relationships with both the child and the family. Our team are available to discuss concerns or to hear new ideas. Together we can build a community that is unique to Narnia and encourages everyone to do great things.



Leaders in Early Childhood Education and Care

Meet Our Staff

Narnia staff are educated and experienced in Early Childhood education. We follow the Early Years Learning Framework to provide developmentally appropriate activities which are stimulating, challenging and creative and which cater for individual needs and interests. We provide flexible programs which promote self-discovery, spontaneous learning, independence and a positive self-esteem.

Our greatest aim is for all children to feel safe and secure in a loving Christian environment. This is the greatest entry point for learning.

Our Mission & Vision

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