
Welcome to Narnia Young Parents Wyong

An imaginary land where children have fun and adventure.

Welcome to Narnia Young Parents. We are delighted that you are interested in learning more about our centre.

Narnia Young Parents exists to provide a supportive partnership for our parents who are studying at the Young Parents Hub. This site has been designed to introduce you to our program and the unique environment it provides for nurturing the development of your child.

We understand that as much as our young parents are determined to improve their own circumstances, their motivation is to provide a loving environment for their little ones and to improve the future prospects for their babies.

Our fully qualified Christian Educators understand that the first few years of a child’s life are a time of extraordinary development. Whilst their parents are studying in the classroom, the children are engaged in a stimulating, early learning program.

The student classroom is adjacent to Narnia, enabling the parents to participate in the daily nurturing of their children. The curriculum for some of the courses studied by the parents also incorporates activities planned for the babies.

Each baby and toddler we care for is a special gift and uniquely created. We are eager to get to know each child and watch their journey of discovering all that God has created them to be.

Leaders in Early Childhood Education and Care

Meet Our Staff

Narnia staff are educated and experienced in Early Childhood education. We follow the Early Years Learning Framework to provide developmentally appropriate activities which are stimulating, challenging and creative and which cater for individual needs and interests. We provide flexible programs which promote self-discovery, spontaneous learning, independence and a positive self-esteem.

Our greatest aim is for all children to feel safe and secure in a loving Christian environment. This is the greatest entry point for learning.

Our Mission & Vision

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